Friday, February 20, 2015

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Monday, Feb 23rd, I will be on KGNU interviewing Diane Israel and Carmen Cool to help promote Eating Disorder Awareness Week. The interview is at 3 p.m. MST. 

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is the 22nd to the 28th of Februrary. Please note that my book, Training on Empty, is always available for free now. Readers can set their own price at the link below.

I have also posted a link to NEDA for anyone who needs more information about eating disorders and how to get help.

Please help spread the word that eating disorders are not ego based. The illness is complicated with many contributing factors leading to the disordered behaviors. If you know anyone struggling, encourage him or her to get help.


The recorded interview can be heard by clicking on this link: Eating Disorder Awareness Week.