My first phone bill, back when the company was called Working Assets, was $400, because nobody said anything about the restrictions with the plan: no internet, charges for texts, additional charges for going over a certain number of minutes when talking etc., all things that any plan should specify, right? I was used to Cricket, which has a very straight-forward contract with unlimited talking and texts. The person who signed me up made it sound like everything was unlimited. I talked someone at Credo into decreasing the outrageous bill by calling their bluff. When some lady said she wouldn't reduce the bill, she mentioned that she had a recording of each phone conversation and was sure that the person with whom I spoke had mentioned the restrictions, I said, "Awesome. I want to hear exactly what the rep told me about any of this the day I agreed to the contract, so pull it up and let's hear it." I was put on hold. Shortly after, the representative offered me a big discount on the bill without further comment. It was still way more than I should have paid though. I vowed to get everything in writing the next time. Nothing was ever mentioned about limited talking, texts and internet activity, some very important pieces of information. But the 10% thing was both in writing and over the phone. Nowhere did it say for one bill only, but because of my assumption, I now cringe every time I see my phone bill, which is way too high given all the restrictions. Hell, I feel like I can't even talk to people unless it's at some obscure hour! In short, Credo sucks. I would never recommend it.
Enough complaining.
I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving tomorrow. Good luck to all the runners who jump in those turkey trots!
Sorry to hear that, as I have had all good experiences with Credo. And that came after a litany of bad customer service experiences with Sprint. I think they must hate that you cling to that flip phone. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBut I like my flip phone. It's pink!